Emergency Signs To Visit Orthodontist

As an adult, you may have been told to visit an Orthodontist Hawthorn if you notice any growths or sores on your teeth. This is because the appearance of these symptoms can signal a serious problem that requires immediate attention from a professional. 

However, some signs are more subtle and may not be easy to spot at first glance. To help you identify them, we've compiled a list below:

In the case of a broken bracket or band.

If you notice that a bracket or band is broken, visit your orthodontist immediately. Brackets and bands are made of metal and can break easily. 

However, brackets and bands are not made from the same material. Brackets are more likely to break than bands since they are mounted on the teeth directly, whereas bands go around the tooth roots below your gums.\

orthodontist hawthorn

In the case of irritation caused by a wire or bracket

If you are experiencing the following symptoms, it's time to visit an orthodontist:

  • Wires or brackets are irritating your tongue or cheek.
  • Your braces are causing pain in your teeth.
  • You have a cut or sore on your lip from wearing braces.

In case of irritation caused by a wire or bracket, first use wax on the wire to relieve the pain. Do not apply wax directly on brackets because it can damage them and make them fall out prematurely.

Instead, apply it onto tongs (the plastic devices used for removing food debris) and then rub this on the affected area around your lips and mouth.

In the case of severe infection, visit your orthodontist immediately.

If you experience severe infection, like with any other medical problem, visit your orthodontist hawthorn immediately. Severe infections can cause damage to the gums and jawbone.

In addition to swelling and pain that may be felt when biting down on hard foods like apples or carrots, it could also cause difficulty in eating and speaking.

It could also cause difficulty in breathing if there is an abscess in the mouth. The infection can be painful and can cause swelling, but it will go away on its own if left untreated. 

However, if you have symptoms like pain when chewing or swallowing, fever or chills, swelling around your face or neck, redness of the gums (gingivitis), pus coming from any open sores in your mouth or throat that doesn’t go away after a few days (abscesses), then see a doctor immediately.


If your child has any of these symptoms, you should immediately take them to the orthodontist. If you are concerned about the cost of braces, remember that it is much cheaper than treating a broken bracket or band later on. 

The orthodontist will examine your child and determine whether they need to be seen immediately or if it can wait until the next day. If you feel that your child has an infection, you should call the orthodontist’s office first thing in the morning. 


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