Why Do Patients Who Care About Their Photo Choose Lingual Braces?

 Lingual braces are a special type of orthodontic appliance that is worn on the interior surfaces of the teeth. Lingual braces Melbourne are used to correcting irregularities in the bite, position, and alignment of teeth, jaws and facial bones. 

Lingual braces have been around for over 40 years and have become one of the most popular options among patients who want an invisible solution to their dental issues.

Even though lingual braces are virtually invisible to anyone looking at you from the front, they do require some changes in lifestyle that other types of orthodontic solutions do not require.

What are lingual braces?

Lingual braces Melbourne are the same as regular braces, but with a few differences. The only difference is that lingual braces are attached to the inside of your teeth instead of on the outside. They are used to straighten teeth.

Many patients choose lingual braces because they can be more comfortable than traditional metal braces and retainers.

Are they really invisible?

Lingual braces are nearly invisible. As long as you don’t look too closely, most people will not be able to tell that you are wearing lingual braces. 

Lingual braces

Some people can see them, but they are not very noticeable. You can talk to your dentist about how to make them less visible if this is something that concerns you.

In addition, lingual braces come in a range of colours so you can choose thecolourr that best matches your smile and personality.

How do they work?

Lingual braces consist of a metal wire that goes around the tooth, a bracket that is bonded to the inside of your tooth, and rubber bands that are used to keep everything in place.

The brackets are usually made out of metal or ceramic materials. The wires go over the outside of your teeth. Rubber bands and springs hold everything together in place.

Lingual braces are attached directly to your teeth on the inside surface (underneath) rather than on the outside surface (top) as traditional braces are. 

This means that when you talk or smile your tongue cannot touch them or rub against them like traditional ones do when you talk or smile!

Are lingual braces uncomfortable?

Lingual braces are very comfortable. They consist of a special material that is flexible and soft, making them easy to wear. Lingual braces can be worn while eating, drinking and talking without causing any discomfort or difficulty with speech or breathing. 

They also allow you to enjoy your favourite foods without having to worry about getting food stuck on your braces!

In addition to being comfortable, lingual braces are easy to clean and maintain – they only need a toothbrush once every few days (or even less frequently) because they do not touch the teeth directly.

Does treatment take longer with lingual braces?

Lingual braces can take longer to adjust because they are more difficult to see. The brackets and wires have be hidden, so it's hard for your orthodontist to know exactly where they are in your mouth. This means you'll need adjustments more often than with traditional braces.

If you get lingual braces, you'll probably see your orthodontist more often than if you had regular ones. 

Not only do these visits take longer (because of the extra time it takes for the doctor to adjust them), but also because linguals need more cleaning between visits and require additional tools as well.

How long do lingual braces last?

This is a common question, and there's a simple answer: it depends on the patient. The length of time that lingual braces Melbourne need to be worn depends on how quickly your teeth move. 

Some patients will wear their lingual braces for just a few months, while others may need to wear them for years before reaching their desired result. Because we want you to have the best possible experience with our orthodontic treatment, we want you to know that you can trust us with your smile!


In the end, it's up to you to decide whether or not you want lingual braces. But if your answer is yes, then we hope that this post has given you some insight into the benefits of lingual braces. 

If you’re still unsure about which type of braces are right for you, consult with your orthodontist who will help guide you through any questions or concerns so that together, they can determine what treatment plan would be best suited for your needs!

Source: Why Do Patients Who Care About Their Photo Choose Lingual Braces?


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